It sure was. After getting off the flight, the customs lady wanted to know all about NZ (huh) and then there I was standing in that cold. After the shuttle dude took me and my colleague in the bus alone to the hotel, the check in Biotch was obviously pretty pissed of with the fact I was so happy to see the place after waiting, like, 13 hrs to go to bed....yes, even tho it was 8 30 am she told me to "take a seat until 3 pm". yep 3. I mean, I like a good practical joke, but she was grimacing when I said "WTF?"
So I saw some guy but the name of Ryan or Brian or Bill or something who was at a booth called Enterprise cars. I asked him how much to rent a car, and he said

So I took the car, a red Chevy Cobalt reg 700-HDV. That plate meant arot to me, so I told the guy 'Rock on' and peeled out of the carpark and into Westminster Highway heading for van going in wrong direction. The clue was the roads were going #4 road, #3 road, #2 road and I figured there wouldn't be a number zero road, so I had to flick the red beast around. Using my honed TW driving skills I needed not to actually find a U turn place, I just let it rip. 2 litre 6, or at least it felt like it. The radio was a bit dodgy pumping out some french crap, so a scan or 4 got me to 103.5, which was OK. I did notice that everyone drives with their lights on here, so I turned mine on too (little did I know they were already on even though the switch was off) I had the trusty Canon G3 with me, and there I was shooting shots outta the car at the lights or sometime while passing huge pickups called Dodge and Blazer.

"Highway 99, North" a small white sign with a BC on it said, along with Vancouver, BC ferries and Whistler in green....My mission was sealed.