When I was in NZ last month I bought 12 shirts. Yep 12. I find it really difficult to find shirts that are comfortable here in Taiwan, and the only place that seems to have potential in the shirt department is Sogo, but there always seems to be 7 salesgirls desperate for a commission that it become pure hell to even look around. Besides that, the shirts they thrust in my face are $3400 NT (about $150NZD) versions, which to be fair is way too much to pay for a business shirt that no one is really going to appreciate but me.
So, in NZ there was a few sales going on and the cuts are much better so I bought up.
The dilemma came when I got home - where do all these shirts now live? So I scanned the wardrobe and gave a big sigh as I looked at some old favorites. Yep fellas, you have got to go.
So I did it. I threw some shirts out. They were past their best and I virtually never wore them anymore.
Take Giorgio for example, I remember him well. I bought that masterpiece in June 1999 in Hawaii. Took the bus from Honolulu to a huge shopping centre called "Waikele". I remember I also bought a Black Donna Karan tie with gold lining there. The tie stays, the shirt must go. It served me well as work dress in NZ, London, Singapore and now Taiwan....I am now embarrassed to say.
But, I am the type of guy that believes quality will always go the distance....and it did again. Buy classic and it will remain timeless? Something like that anyway.
So I ditched 3 shirts. Mmmm, I see there is still going to be a problem in the wardrobe - ah well, there is a bit of room in this drawer over here....